Smart Girls with ADHD

ADHD isn't one-size-fits-all


tell our own stories

share our advice

discuss our experiences


What they're saying...

ADDitude magazine

ADDitude Magazine

"Beth recognizes that there is still plenty of stigma around ADHD — and she’s determined to kick it to the curb. Smart Girls With ADHD confronts each topic with a unique perspective and acknowledges that it’s always okay to be a little different."


Elizabeth Lewis, A Dose of Healthy Distraction


"Each post is high quality, insightful and authored by a woman, with other women in mind.  There are no “experts” here, just intelligent women sharing ideas and stories. 

Beth has a dynamic and growing community around her because she creates a safe space for women to talk about what is going on in their lives.  I can only hope to follow in her footsteps."

— Elizabeth Lewis, A Dose of Healthy Distraction


Kerri McKay, Kerri on the Prairies


"Smart Girls with ADHD is not only a powerful resource by and for women with ADHD, it’s a community. Beth has cultivated a place where our stories not only educate and empower others with ADHD, but also anyone trying to understand us better. 

Even if diagnosed after childhood, many of us have always felt “different”—when it’s hard to feel like you fit, Smart Girls is home: a chorus of “me, too!” in response to the challenges, and celebration for our successes. No matter where you are on the path, we are your tribe to help you embrace your diagnosis, learn, take control, and become more awesome."

— Kerri MacKay, Kerri On the Prairies


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