Smart Girls with ADHD

ADHD isn't one-size-fits-all


I settled on calling this site ‘Smart Girls with ADHD’ initially as a nod to  Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls which is so inspirational. Their motto is change the world by being yourself.  I wish more sites and communities like that had been around when I was at school.
Yes, I still don’t feel entirely comfortable describing myself as ‘smart’, and saying I’m smart and have ADHD is still something I’m getting used to. However, I want us to start talking openly about living with ADHD, stop it with the negative self-talk, and start to normalise the idea that having ADHD and being intelligent isn’t a juxtaposition.

Have confidence in yourself. Other people won't believe that you're intelligent and strong, if you don't even believe that yourself.

The reason I created this site is to reassure women (myself included) that we have permission to have confidence in our own abilities, even at those times when ADHD hinders our education or work. Telling other people that you’re dumb/not pretty/overweight is simply a way to reinforce the view they have of you. Giving yourself permission to talk about you in a negative way, just gives others the same permission. So do yourself a favour and start focussing on your excellent qualities and the things you can do.